Many service options are available to help your family create a special and uniquely personal tribute to the life your loved one lived.
Introducing Our New Service: Aquamation
We are proud to offer Aquamation, an environmentally friendly method of final disposition suitable for loved ones. Scientifically known as alkaline hydrolysis, this water-based process mirrors the natural decomposition that occurs when a body is interred in the earth. By combining gentle water flow, controlled temperature, and alkaline solutions, Aquamation accelerates the natural breakdown of organic matter, providing a respectful and eco-conscious alternative to traditional cremation or burial.
Please call Sossoman Funeral Home 828-437-3211 or click here to get more information on Aquamation Services
Our Chapel
When the current location of Sossoman Funeral Home on South Sterling Street was built in 1966, JC Sossoman felt a need to include a chapel as a part of the facility because of customer demand. He chose to name it the Colonial Chapel. The chapel seats 180 with overflow capability of 250. There is an organ, piano and computer operated audio-visual equipment available. The antique stained glass windows displayed behind the lectern are from the original First United Methodist Church of Morganton on South King Street. A full renovation of the chapel was completed in 2011.
Funeral Ceremony
Ceremonies such as weddings and graduations help us commemorate important events and transition into a new life and identity. Funerals are no different. The ceremony is a time for remembrance, reflection, and honoring the values and contributions of your loved one.
Celebration of Life
Many families express the desire to celebrate the life of their loved one. Celebration of Life services can be more informal in nature, and often feature times of memory sharing, food and fellowship, and reflections on the life and legacy of the person who has died.
A memorial service occurs after burial or cremation. Memorials allow distant friends and relatives time to gather in one place to share memories, readings, songs, and video tributes. Often a message of hope and healing is shared by a spiritual leader or celebrant.
Any type of service can be personalized by bringing in photos and memorabilia for display. Your loved one’s personality can shine through in every aspect of the service. For example, ask people to wear your loved one’s favorite color, or share favorite poems, songs, and readings. Close family members may also share eulogies that honor the memory of the one who has died.
Special Requests
We will work hard to honor your special requests. Please call Sossoman Funeral Home 828-437-3211 or email
Military & Fraternal Services
Military honors or fraternal society rites may be arranged for eligible members. If you wish to request a military honor guard or fraternal rites, please speak to a funeral director as soon as possible to assist us in scheduling.
Click here for more information on our Military and Fraternal Services
A visitation is an informal time of fellowship before or after the funeral ceremony. This informal gathering allows family and friends to process the loss together and begin to acknowledge the reality of the death. Many families find this time to be especially encouraging and uplifting.
A graveside service may be held in conjunction with a funeral ceremony or as a stand-alone ceremony. Holding a brief service at the graveside gives families the opportunity to say their final goodbyes before burial takes place.